Michael P. Gaco
Saint Columban College, Pagadian City, Philippines
ReyMark F. Adobas
Saint Columban College, Pagadian City, Philippines
Michael C. Cabellon
Saint Columban College, Pagadian City, Philippines
Mario F. Alayon
Saint Columban College, Pagadian City, Philippines
Christian Niel B. Taripe
Saint Columban College, Pagadian City, Philippines
As a result of the coronavirus, the Seminary in the Philippines has forced the transition of academic formation to be effective and suitable activities of the time from face-to-face learning to blended learning. Seminary formators, college, and academic instructors work together in fostering the seminarian’s academic formation. The recent research primarily focuses on seminarians’ academic performance and engagement in activities in the formation. This qualitative study intended to describe the seminarians’ educational experiences, performance, and achievements during the pandemic. The researchers interviewed the twenty-three seminarians at Holy Infant Seminary, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur. The findings of the analyzed data demonstrated the different factors that heightened and strengthened the academic formation such as the academic activities, ways of performing academic activities, and seminarians’ academic improvements. Further these gathered data showed how the seminarians’ academic formation continues to grow and develop despite the challenges caused by the pandemic. The study concluded that to increase the seminarians’ academic accomplishments, the Seminary needs to evaluate the other factors that seriously affect the seminarians’ academic performance and engagement in activities. The study recommended that researchers shall explore further on the different aspects of formation in the Seminary and encourage the seminary formators to design an engaging exercise in each formation for better development, optimum growth, and fun-filled experiences.
Keywords: Academic Formation, Academic Activities, Seminarians, Seminary
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