Francis Arvin E. Bayocot
Dumalinao National High School, Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines
Esvaniza H. Magarang
Dumalinao National High School, Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines
Nestor T. Samonteza
Dumalinao National High School, Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines
This study examines the relationship between academic motivation and stress levels among Senior High School students. With the increasing demands and challenges of the educational system, understanding the factors influencing students’ motivation and stress is crucial for their academic success and overall well-being. The research employed a quantitative approach, utilizing a structured questionnaire administered to 267 Senior High School students. The questionnaire included measures of academic motivation, such as intrinsic, extrinsic, and motivation, as well as perceived stress levels. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, tests of significant differences, and correlation analysis. Findings indicate differences in perceived academic stress and academic motivation across demographic groupings. In particular, there is a gendered difference in perceived academic stress and motivation.
Further, differences were noted in the introjected regulation and motivation subscales of academic motivation across grade levels and strands. However, the correlation analysis yielded insignificant results between perceived academic stress and the subscales of academic motivation. Key recommendations are for policies and programs to target female students regarding stress management and for careful attention to be given to grade 11 students regarding their significantly higher level of motivation than those in grade 12. Recommendations for future research are also included.
Keywords: Perceived Academic Stress, Academic Motivation, Affect, Senior High School, Post-Quarantine Education
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